Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ma.K Falke Part 1--Ma.K In The Box

This is my current build: Pfk.85 Antigravity Armored Raider 'Falke' from the Maschinen Krieger universe or Ma.K for short.

More background info about Ma.K here:

Brainchild of modeler and artist Kow Yokoyama, celebrated in Japan but still a little on the dark side in the west, Ma.K has a steadily increasing number of fans so that even big companies like Hasegawa have jumped onto the bandwagon. Which suits me just fine! 

The box:

What's inside

There are 2 sprues with the main body parts:

3 sprues of additional parts:

1 sprue for the pilot figures:

A Haseg-quality instruction sheet (with a MaK flavor):

Decal sheet:

And a card with the variants proposed, 2 on each side:

It is interesting to note the the card is the 'card file' type with a tab on the edge that goes to make up a file together with other such cards from other Haseg kits.

Details are a bit of a letdown, especially for that scale. Nothing that the dedicated detailer can't remedy, however, but for sure he's got his work cut out for him. But hey, I love detailing so no problem and this is a great kit anyway! And yes, this is a P-38 supercharger! I don't know how many kits Yokoyama cannibalized to kitbash the first Falke but the P-38 was used big time for the booms and other areas of the kit.

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